Saturday, May 21, 2011

Penny #6

"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once they grow up."
~Pablo Picasso

Picasso is a very quotable person. :)

If you were to compare the me in primary school to the me you see now, you'd probably wonder what went wrong. In primary school I was winning awards, I was at the top of the class, I was so goddamn proud of myself it was ridiculous. Come high school and I'm averaging everything, then the marks got lower and lower and lower. Why? Lack of motivation is one thing. Bad teaching? Possibly. (I am of the opinion that the best teachers are the ones that can give a person the motivation to complete a task and do their best at it) Parents are a big influence obstacle as well, constantly badgering you with negative comments about your subjects and how much you fail at life.You have the choice of trying to please them, or completely ignoring what they say.

In primary school I had a dream. I wanted to write and to draw and paint and do all sorts of ridiculous things -- but not build a spaceship. I never even thought of that. I should build a spaceship.

... Huh. I just went off randomly there...

We got our reports this week. I didn't do so great. The teachers kept going on about how much "potential" I have. You get the idea. I'll leave it at that. Have a nice life. ^^

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